"The book of your life is still being written. Do not attempt to place it on the shelf just yet! There's more chapters to your story. The Author is not finished with you!
God can orchestrate something in one moment and with one thought that would take you 40 years to accomplish because nothing is an impossibility for Him! (Luke 1:37)
Keep moving forward. With Him, the best is always yet to come!"
"If you're expecting the church to be perfect, you will be greatly disappointed.
Churches are just full of imperfect people trusting in a perfect Savior!
Most of them won't mind one more imperfect person attending.
Just don't let imperfect people keep you out of church! (Hebrews 10:25)"
"As we study the Word of God, it should cause us to be more loving and forgiving
rather than self-righteous and condemning!"
"The only news agency I have ever found to be truly "fair and balanced" is WOAG,
the Word of Almighty God! He tells it like it really is!"
"Remember, the same God you worshipped on Sunday goes with you to work on Monday!"
"Be aware! If you give the "flesh" an inch, it won't take a mile. It will take over!"
"Pride never thinks of itself as a problem, but declares every other sin atrocious!"
"God is never impressed by our talk at church when our walk at home is lacking!"
"Majorities may rule, but it doesn't make them right."
"Encouraging invites encouragement, but criticism seldom likes to be criticized."
"Submission to God's authority is always an indicator of genuine faith."
"Trying to change people?
Frustration in ministry occurs when we forget that He alone is God."
"When you continually feast upon hate, don't be surprised if you become the hated."
"Are you growing in Christ? Simply because someone has been on Christianity's road for a while doesn't guarantee they've traveled very far."
"Condemning someone is never a Christian trait."
"Love never fails because Jesus never fails, and Jesus never fails to love!"
"Attend church to praise the Lord, and praise the Lord you get to attend church!"
"We will never find fulfillment in the circumstances God allows to come our way in this life. But, we can always find complete fulfillment in the God of our circumstances.
To know Him is the key!"
"God never asks us to go where He does not accompany us and is not already there."
"You actually cannot run from God! Take a plane and He is sitting next to you. Go a thousand miles and He greets you when you arrive. You may run from His control in this life, but to escape Him is impossible!"
"You can only discern where people are by their fruits and trust that you know their hearts, but God sees the heart. Because you cannot see the heart,
be very careful assessing the fruit."
"In times of crisis, neutrality can oftentimes present a problem. I heard Dr. Adrian Rogers once tell of a young man during the Civil War who did not wish to fight on either side.
To show his indifference, he wore a gray shirt and blue pants. Both sides shot at him!"
"In today's culture, there are several reasons why churches don't grow, and many of them are spiritual. Also, there are several reasons why churches grow, and many of them aren't spiritual. Doing it God's way means you must stay plugged in to Him.
Remember, Jesus is not a guest, He is Lord!"
"What the world needs now is not simply love. It needs the Savior!"
"Excuses and blame can only serve to limit and discourage us. Rediscover God's perspective and power! Only He can restore your soul."
"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' often depends upon
which bird and what bush."
"It's only prudent to look before you leap, during the leap, and after the leap. There is no such thing as blind faith in scripture. It is always rooted in the promises of God."
"Giving life to 'your' plans is not necessarily God's plan for your life."
"The Bible speaks of man's sin and Jesus the Savior. Let us indeed share about humanity's problem, but shout from the mountain tops that Christ is the cure!"
"Our interpretation of scripture does not necessarily mean it is the correct one. Allow for a difference of opinion. Always listen to the Holy Spirit. And, be kind!"
"Many who preach tolerance have very little themselves!"
"The 'Mirror, mirror on the wall' that God gives to us is His Word, and it reveals to us who we really are, Who He really is, and His divine plan for our lives! Don't forget to spend time in His Word today."
"Something is wrong with the mix when the non-Christian acts more Christian than the Christian!"
"Lord, please help me to love those who are difficult to love, and also help those who must do the same with me."
"Not only is nothing ever too hard for God, it's not even hard!"
"You are a special creation and are loved by God! He never makes trash or mistakes."
"Just because you call a stick a pencil does not make it so, but if God calls it a pencil then you'd better find a writing pad. That's faith!"
"The love of God is powerful! You may refuse it, but you'll never defuse it."
"The god of this world is more interested in us feeling good rather than following God. And, God is not opposed to us feeling good! Just be sure your walk with Him is based upon following by faith and not flying by feelings."
"'Fall Back' is never a command you will hear from the Lord! Whereas the true church is certainly to move forward in His divine power, His reminder to us is to
'Be still, and know that I am God!'"
"Lord, please guide us, guard us, and give us Your wisdom this day as we make important choices for our nation. Amen."
"The Lord is not through with you, yet! If you're still here, He still has a plan for your life!"
"God shows us sin to point us to the Savior. Be someone who majors on the cure. Remember, the gospel is Good News!"
"In the Lord's work there is little use for passion without compassion for people."
"NEVER give up or lose hope! In one moment a situation can change. In one heartbeat a life can be turned around. God can and still does perform miracles, of which I am one!"
"Remember, anyone can 'give' thanks and that is good, but it takes a humble and grateful heart to truly 'be' thankful!"
"As we purchase gifts this season, let us never forget the greatest Gift ever given. For without Jesus, the Savior, how lost we would be!"
"During the busy Christmas season, let's stay aware of the less fortunate and those who are hurting. Our genuine concern and care is a gift that truly honors the Lord!"
"God's kind of love counts most when it's difficult to love. Anyone can love when it's easy. Show His love today, even if you don't feel like it.
Without it, our spiritual talk means nothing!"
"When you feel that God hasn't done anything for you lately, just remember the cross! He could opt to never do another thing for us and that one event would forever be enough."
"Do not pray for God to use you and then complain about where you have been placed. Lights are intended for dark places. Now, shine!"
"Aren't you glad that God is a God of second chances? Look to Him.
Failure is not in His vocabulary!"
"As we worship God in spirit and in truth today, remember it's all about Him, not us!"
"If you get upset over everything that doesn't go your way, you'll stay upset most of your life. God never intended a believer's life to be lived that way.
Learn to focus upon what pleases Him, get your eyes off yourself,
and watch your perspective and attitude begin to change."
"'He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake.'
We know who that is. His name is Jesus!
And, He loves you very much."
"God is a God of the impossible!
He can make something out of nothing and can forever change one's destiny!"
"Remember to honor the Lord in the little things. It's the seemingly insignificant attitudes and actions that so often affect an outcome.
Determine to be a person of character and integrity for His glory!"
"Children need godly examples in their lives, especially in a world
of godlessness around them.
Live life in such a way that if someone is following your example it will always lead them to Jesus. He never fails!"
"Our awesome God majors upon the miraculous, especially in our times of need. Never run from Him. Run to Him! He encourages it, for He alone can truly satisfy."
"God can and will oftentimes change your situation when you pray.
But, sometimes He may wish to change you in that situation.
He always knows best! Trust Him."
"This week, may we put into practice those things of which the Christ of Christmas reminds us. To be kind, loving, giving, and forgiving is needed everyday of the year!"
"Never draw your circle so small that everything becomes a test of fellowship with those around you. God never intended for His salt and light to be isolated or hidden,
but to be shared!"
"When the Bible says that God will supply the Christian's every need, you can take it to the bank! His promises are not hollow and are never broken."
"Are you facing a seemingly insurmountable situation? God can give you a way around it, over it, under it, or through it! Give it to Him. He is a mountain mover!"
"Do you need strength for today? God promises His power to His children as they seek His ways. Plug in to the greatest power source in the universe! Then, watch what He can do!"
"Many things never become useful without heat, and we are oftentimes made more like the Master through the fire of affliction and difficulty.
Remember, He is the Refiner, not us! Trust Him."
"God is omnipotent, meaning He is all-powerful!
He is fully capable of dealing with any of your problems today.
Focus upon Him, the Problem Solver. If He's done it before, He can do it again!"
"With God it's not over until it's over! And, if you're still breathing, it's not over.
Have courage! God still moves and He still makes crooked paths straight!"
"Be more concerned about who you are and what you are becoming rather than who you aren't and what you use to be.
The Lord has a "new song" for you to sing today! Let's hear it!"
"Lord, someone will more than likely get on my nerves today. May I act and react in such a way that attests to the fact that I have a relationship and a walk with You!"
"Loving can be a challenge. If it were easy then God wouldn't have to
remind us so much to do it."
"Meaningful victories never come easy. They require faith,
commitment, and perseverance.
You may have been knocked down, but God never intended His people to embrace defeat. He gives strength to be overcomers and more than conquerors
through the power of Christ!"
"Instead of focusing upon and magnifying your problems, magnify and exalt the Lord,
who can handle any and all of your problems.
Point those spiritual binoculars in the right direction and see what God can do!"
"Everyone has problems. Your attitude toward those situations and what to do about them determines whether or not you will control them or they will control you.
God says in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast those things upon Him. Trust His guidance,
and He will lead you each step of the way!
This week, may your trying experiences bring a trusting example
for all to see for His glory!"
"God desires to show you what He calls "great and mighty things",
not what your definition may be!
His power is never limited by our lack of faith. He is just as capable whether we believe or not. But, His power certainly can be forfeited when our limited understanding of what God can do overshadows what God says He can do.
He is omnipotent! Never underestimate Him!"
"My dad was a telegraph operator on the Illinois Central Railroad for 37 years. I found out at an early age that a train always runs best on the tracks intended for it.
You will also excel when following the path God has planned for you. Choose His ways.
To do otherwise will end in disaster!"
"Being musically inclined, I value good harmony and instruments being in tune. Did you know that God also loves harmony?
One of the things He warns us about in the Bible is someone sowing discord.
He's called us to encourage one another, not condemn.
Let's do it His way! Life's song will sound much nicer."
"It is when we encounter our own insufficiency that we experience God's total sufficiency. It cannot be fully realized until then.
His strength is truly perfect when our strength is gone!"
"My dad never had to say, "This is Dad!" I knew his voice when he called on the phone. He would always say, 'Hey, big Charlie!' It warmed my heart.
Jesus said His sheep hear His voice. (John 10:27) Make it a point to know Him and what His voice sounds like. There is none other like it!"
"Thank you, Lord, for Your grace in giving me what I didn't deserve. I also praise You for Your mercy and not giving me what I did deserve. You truly are an amazing God!"