Blog Post

My Encounter With Jim Bob Turpin

  • By Charles Ritchie
  • 10 Aug, 2018

.....THAT I NEVER LIVED DOWN! And, a lesson I learned from it.

Life can take funny turns, at times, as was the case of my assuming someone was stealing one of my dogs late one night at our country home in 1974.
In my first pastorate in south Missippippi Jackie and I had beagle dogs. I loved to open our window by the bed at night and listen to them give chase to a wise ole cottontail rabbit. Jackie always marveled at how I could tell which dog was leading the pack by the sound of their voices. I had grown up doing it.
One evening we had retired after a busy day and I just kept the dogs in their pen. Since the parsonage was next to the church, an outside light provided a little security in knowing if anyone was on the church grounds.
About 1:30 a.m. I heard a truck pull toward the back of our house and it’s engine cut off. Our dogs started barking. I whispered to Jackie that I was going to ease out and see who it was. As I stepped out on our back porch and pointed a sealed beam flashlight at the individual, he jumped in his truck, spinning his tires as he left the premises.
I immediately assessed that he was trying to steal one of my dogs because it had been attempted before by some deer hunters needing beagles at their deer camps in Louisiana.
Half dressed with some adequate protection in my car, I GAVE CHASE! I caught up with him and flashed my lights. He sped up, weaving all over the pavement and sometimes gravel roads. I just stayed on his bumper.
We eventually did a full circle back to the church where he pulled in next to the graveyard behind the church, which surprised me! I sat in my car with my bright lights on the individual as he got out. It was none other than 50 year old JIM BOB TURPIN, whose family attended our church.
As I got out of my car, he said, “I’ve never known anyone like you in my life, preacher! I was just here to visit the grave of my mama and almost lost my own life doing it! YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!” I couldn’t help but laugh!
I was very embarrassed, but told him what I had suspected and also shared with him about the unconventional time he had chosen to do it. I accompanied him to the gravesite and we prayed together, but I knew when all of it hit the fan that I would be the topic of conversation for a while. I just didn’t realize how long I would be.
Hastily jumping to conclusions can be unfortunate. Proverbs 25:8 says, “do not hastily bring into court, for what will you do in the end, when your neighbor puts you to shame?” Another version puts it, “Don't jump to conclusions - there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.”
I know that I was somewhat justified in my actions, but it taught me to use better judgement and have wisdom in these type situations life throws at us. I can’t totally blame it on my youthful exuberance because in my older age I find that I must still be careful.
My prayer for you is that God’s Spirit will be allowed to guide and guard your actions and reactions as you live this day He has given.
Now, go bask in His provision, and try to avoid something you might never live down.

By Charles Ritchie January 27, 2019
Let’s just say it was a hair-raising experience! 🙂
Married life is an exciting adventure, to say the least! About the time you think you’ve experienced most all the adventures, a new one arises.
Over our 45+ years of marriage Jackie has cut and styled my hair. She learned to do it years ago to help us save money when the bank account was lean, and has done a marvelous job.
Recently, cataracts have invaded her clarity of eyesight and it has been necessary to pursue the course of surgery. One way we determined just how bad it had gotten was one evening when she was trimming my hair.
As I was sitting calmly while she ran the clippers through my hair she shouted, “OH, DEAR JESUS!” Of course, I turned and asked, “What happened?” My immediate thought was that she had been shocked by the electrical cord. She then exclaimed, “DON’T MOVE OR I’LL GAP IT AGAIN!” The rest is history and we scheduled her an appointment with the optometrist. We still laugh about the moment. My hair recovered in a few weeks.
Just remember, in our humanity we may make mistakes. Some consequences will be short-lived while others may affect us for a lifetime. But, Jesus never makes mistakes and He never fails. HE FORGIVES!
1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Trust Him with your life today. You will never regret it.
By Charles Ritchie January 1, 2019
A visit that had me in stitches.
One of the most important things we can do in any given year is to hear God’s voice better. Jesus said, “My sheep HEAR My voice...” (John 10:27) I was reminded years ago how grateful we should be to simply be able to hear.
G. E. “Sonny” and Melba Slover were older members of our church and were experiencing several physical issues which necessitated visits to their home to check on them. Mr. Slover was bedridden and hard of hearing. I would have to talk loudly when we had any conversation.
On one occasion Sonny was telling me that they had a great Christmas because his whole family had been able to come. However, Melba corrected him and told him it wasn’t on Christmas, it was on New Year’s Day.
He listened to her correction and then laughed. But, surprisingly repeated the same statement, to which Mrs. Slover loudly exclaimed, “It was New Year’s!” Sonny said, “What, dear?” She repeated, “New Year’s!”
He laughed once again and said, “Well, anyway, we had a great time with everyone over for Christmas!” To which Melba shouted one more time, “Sonny, it was New Year’s!”
After laughing once again to her remark, Mr. Slover looked at me and said, “She keeps saying I need NEW EARS!” It was hilarious!
It leads me to share that if you aren’t hearing God’s voice, then you, too, may need new ears. You acquire them by receiving the Lord into your heart and life. If you already know Him, then you simply need to get right with Him and allow the restoration of your ability to hear Him clearly once again.
My New Year’s Day prayer for you is for your “hearing” to be acute, and for your obedience to His voice to be certain.
May God bless you richly during 2019!
By Charles Ritchie December 20, 2018
When both are right, it can be humorous!

In a world where we often feel there must be a winner and loser with every encounter, sometimes we miss the occasions where both can actually disagree and both be absolutely right!
It’s tragic that in many relationships there is an unwise attitude that we are in competition with one another and we must win every argument and defeat the “opponent”, who is actually part of the team. When one does that, they literally knock the feet out from under themselves, not the spouse or friend, who is, by the way, not really your opponent.
Your real enemy wishes to remain in the shadows and do his unholy dirty work behind the scenes. And, you are naive indeed if you disregard his agenda. That is, to create disharmony and chaos. (1 Peter 5:8)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD in Christ Jesus for you.”
In other words, do not take things for granted. Rather than becoming stuck on yourself, what you want, and how everyone else needs to change but you, switch channels through God’s power. Giving thanks, honoring God, and loving others will always be a more mature and better path to take.
Sometimes both can be right and our attitude and understanding can be wrong, or we are “hearing” things differently.
Several weeks ago I ordered from the breakfast menu at McDonalds. My order number was 380. After a few moments an employee called out, “381, biscuit with egg”, so I waited. I did wonder how that person got their food before me, but it was no big deal.
Then she called it out again. Everyone looked around to see who might have number 381. After a couple of minutes the employee said to me, “Sir, I think this is your order!” I responded, “No ma’am, you called out 381, my number is 380!”
She then said, “That’s the number I called out, 380!” Half dozen folks were now tuned in to our conversation. I said, “I’m sorry, but you said ‘381, biscuit with egg!” To which she emphatically stated, “That’s exactly what I said!” Everybody laughed! This was getting embarrassing.
WE WERE BOTH RIGHT! What she was saying was 380, 1 biscuit with egg. To me it sounded like 381, biscuit with egg! An honest mistake. The whole place got a kick out of it.
As you encounter differences, remember you can both be right. You just see it or hear it from a different perspective.
Let God teach us to truly listen and realize others may be right, too!
A lesson worth learning.
By Charles Ritchie November 30, 2018
A wardrobe issue at its worst.

Long ago and far away I encountered one of the many embarrassing times of my life. It occurred when my baggage failed to arrive with the plane I had taken from Dallas, Texas to Amarillo, Texas. It had been sent to Los Angeles, California. I would not receive it for 3 days!
An evangelist, Arkansan Jack Hazlewood, and I had linked up for a revival week at a church in the great state of Texas and I was excited to be leading the praise portion of the services during the week!
Since my suits were not with me, Jack graciously offered to let me wear his until mine returned. I was so appreciative of the gesture. However, Jack wore suits made for a man with shorther legs and arms, not to mention a few pounds heavier. It would prove to be the only joke needed for the week to make the audience laugh!
I felt like the male version of Minnie Pearl as the sleeves were halfway to my elbow and the pants legs halfway up my calves. Everytime I got up, they laughed! But, I have to admit that I laughed, too. They dearly loved when I did the hambone to play it up!
Life comes with “wardrobe malfunctions” many times, doesn’t it? Well made plans get shipped to somewhere other than the original destination. You have to rally and roll with the flow, wondering why it happened to you.
Isaiah 43:2-3 reminds us, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...”
Even in the most difficult times, God is there. He never sleeps nor slumbers. His mind is constantly upon you. He cares!
As Helen Lemmel wrote in 1922, simply “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!”
May we stay focused is my prayer for you today. And, let us find the joy in our difficulties, whatever they may be.
By Charles Ritchie November 25, 2018
Remember, the church is not only the body of Christ, it is a TEAM! There are no two people alike, but we have unity in the Spirit of God because our goal is the same. We desire to please and worship Him!
We may look different, have different talents and gifts, come from varied backgrounds, be experiencing different trials and struggles, like different kinds of music, but we are HIS body and we are a TEAM!
Teams play together, and when one player has a bad game the other team members pick up the slack. Why? It’s HOW YOU WIN! The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 5:15, “if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed one of another.” In other words, if you wish to lose, that’s how you do it. (HINT: If your teammate’s “house” is on fire, don’t condemn him. Grab a water hose!)
As you worship the Lord today with fellow believers, avoid the temptation to criticize and scrutinize one another. Busy yourself in encouraging and exhorting each other to victory, because it pleases our Lord and honors Him. We are victorious in Jesus when we know HIM and do things HIS way!
Now, go to church and have an amazing experience as God’s champions!

By Charles Ritchie November 18, 2018
He trained us four kids to keep complaining and whining to a minimum, a bare-minimum.
Dad even sang fun songs such as “It’s A Hap-Hap-Happy Day...” and shared the chalk-talk story of a lady from his childhood, Aunt Matilda, who chose to “keep on the sunny side” rather than the negative, even though she had a “good-for-nothing” husband who never lifted a finger and was always critical.
I know we don’t typically like to hear this kind of admonition, but whining as children can turn into murmuring as adults, if not checked. It can get you into serious trouble with God. (Numbers 14)
Let’s learn to be THANKFUL, rather than complain. The Bible says to think upon wholesome and praiseworthy things. (Philippians 2:14 & 4:8)
After all, faith and thankfulness counts most when they are tried and found to be authentic, and that is generally accomplished through unwanted adversity.
My prayer for the remainder of this week is that you will find JOY IN THE LORD and not focus upon difficult circumstances. It may even require some discipline, but that’s what “disciples” are all about!
As you do, may “the peace that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Have a happy Thanksgiving week!
By Charles Ritchie October 24, 2018
"...I'm Cold All Over, Son!"

Dad reminded me in defense of where I had found him.

Moving from Memphis, TN to Hammond, IN took a little getting accustomed to early on, especially having moved in the middle of November in 1984. It would be our coldest winter.
We quickly found out that our winter coats purchased in the south didn’t cut it in Northwest Indiana. Our family loved the snow, but the bitter cold temps necessitated a warmer wardrobe.
Not long  after we moved there, my mom and dad came to visit from Walls, Mississippi. We were ecstatic, especially our little girls, but, their visit occurring in the month of February helped to create a small crisis.
I played racquetball with newly made friends, Tim George, Larry Harty, and Norm Limbach, at the Civic Center downtown and decided to bring Dad with me. After showing him around, he watched us play a game and then said he was going to spend some time on the treadmill and in the weight room. He looked like he was enjoying himself.
After another couple of games, I recalled that I hadn’t seen my dad lately, so a couple of the guys and I went to check on him. We hunted for 20 minutes and couldn’t locate him. I became a little concerned and had an employee announce for him to come to the front desk. He was a no show!
We searched outside and then came back in. I could only think of one other place we hadn’t looked, the SAUNA! When I opened the door, there was my dad sitting there like he was quite content. It felt like an oven.
I said, “Dad! We’ve been looking all over for you. How long have you been in here?”
He replied, “About 30 minutes.” He was just sitting there with a smile on his face and perspiring.
Pointing to the sign, I reminded him that he was only supposed to be in there for 15 minutes. That’s when he pleaded, “Please don’t make me leave. My feet haven’t been this warm since I came up here, and you know when my feet get cold I’m cold all over, Son!”
We couldn’t help but laugh! I told him we would get something warmer for his feet and then coaxed him into coming out of the heat.
On our way home we spoke of how temps affect us, oftentimes adversely. Dad remarked how the Lord mentions temps and says He’d rather us be hot or cold, for if we are lukewarm it makes Him sick! (Revelation 3:15-16)
Of course, Dad was defending his decision to sit in the hot sauna for twice the time limit, but we laughed and were reminded how God wants us to be on fire for Him, not half baked or settling for spiritual mediocrity. He alluded to the fact that no one likes lukewarm coffee or tea. It was a memorable time. Now that he’s in heaven I treasure it all the more.
As you face this week, be sure your walk with Jesus is what HE wants it to be, not what YOU think it ought to be.
May the fire of the Holy Spirit burn brightly in your life. And, may it spread to those around you who desperately need to hear the message that JESUS SAVES!

By Charles Ritchie October 13, 2018

.....and, his remark I’ve never forgotten.

Deception is commonly used by our spiritual enemy, the devil, to keep us from knowing the Truth that "sets us free". The Bible says he "disguises himself as an angel of light" in order to deceive us. (2 Corinthians 11:14)
It reminds me of an encounter I had with a homeless man in Chicago many years ago. Taking the South Shore commuter train from northwest Indiana into downtown Chicago was always a better plan than driving. I enjoyed the ride and really didn't mind the walk down Michigan Avenue from Randolph Street to Northwestern Memorial Hospital on East Huron Street, where I would visit church members who were hospitalized there.
It was a cold Wednesday morning in February as I was leaving the underground train exit at Randolph Street when I was abruptly approached by "Bill"! He was dirty, smelly, raggedly dressed, and had been sleeping under old newspapers in a litter-strewn area underneath the concrete stairs. He shouted, "You got a dollar?". He looked hungry.
Normally, I don't carry cash, but that morning I had a little in my coat pocket. So, I pulled out a buck and said, "You got a minute?", to which he said, Sure, man!". I shared a brief testimony of Jesus' saving power and then asked him if he had ever given his heart to the Lord. He said, "Nope!".
Upon asking him why he had never done that, his answer still lingers in my mind after all these years. He replied, "TOO MUCH TO GIVE UP!”
I was stunned! He remarked, "Can I have my dollar?", and I handed it to him as I shared that I would be praying for his salvation. But, the reality of the situation was he had absolutely NOTHING to give up! He was practically destitute!
Then, I realized this was a classic example of the devil's masterful deception. Bill was deceived into thinking he had MUCH when he had virtually NOTHING! Thus, he was missing the opportunity to have EVERYTHING! It reminds me of so many today who think they are really living, but have nothing of any real substance without Jesus!
The truth is Jesus came to give life, and to give it more abundantly! It is the devil who comes to steal, kill, snd destroy! (John 10:10)
My prayer is that we will be people of the Word, not being deceived, but knowing the truth and then living like it!
Have a great weekend and keep your eyes upon Jesus!

By Charles Ritchie September 19, 2018

GETTING MY BABY GIRL BACK HOME! A reminder of God’s miraculous goodness.

While pastoring the State Street Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana during the ‘80’s, my wife, Jackie, gave birth to our third daughter, Rebecca Lynn. She was born with Trisomy 13, a rare chromosomal disorder that most often results in death within a few days. Rebecca only lived a day on November 3, 1987. It was a difficult time, especially for Jackie, who also experienced several blood clots afterward s.
When we moved back to Memphis, Tennessee in 1989, it was our intent to have Rebecca’s casket relocated as soon as possible, but years went by before it could be arranged. Jackie never pushed me about it, but in her mother’s heart she wanted to be able to visit the grave and it being 500 miles away was a problem. I had always planned to make it happen. Ten years later the opportunity came.
While in a revival meeting in Northwest Indiana, I contacted the funeral home and shared with the director our desire to have Rebecca’s casket shipped to Memphis. He was very accommodating and everything was put into place.
However, a day later he called and apologetically said that all the markers along that section of the cemetery were non-existent. Somehow they had inadvertently been removed or destroyed. He explained that they were investigating the situation, but without proper markers or coordinates it would be impossible to exhume the casket.
I asked him if it would be possible to exhume if I could show him the precise location of Rebecca’s grave. He said he could arrange that, but they could only dig once, otherwise it could cause problems. He asked if I was certain I could do that. I assured him that I was.
Two days after our conversation I received a call that the crew could meet me at the cemetery later that morning. Upon arrival, I was reminded that we only had one chance to get it right. I acknowledged.
The day we buried our little girl, I had stood at her grave and fixed the exact location in my mind. There was a huge marker nearby that I had lined it up with along with a street sign. Everyone was skeptical. I breathed a prayer.
When I stood exactly where I remembered her being buried, they took the backhoe and made one scoop. It was her casket! They couldn’t believe it. I thanked the Lord and wept. He had graciously allowed me to remember that spot so we could bring her remains home.
Isaiah 49:13 says, “Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted His people, and will have mercy upon His afflicted.”
He had mercy and compassion upon his servant that day! I was grateful and will never forget it.
Our God is a good Father! Serve Him to the fullest today.

By Charles Ritchie September 6, 2018

Well, not legitimately, but it taught me something.

It’s no secret that my favorite instrument is the organ. I grew up learning to play on a Hammond B-3 at Pfund’s Hammond Organs in Memphis, Tennessee.
While managing a music store in Columbia, Mississippi in 1976, a pastor friend, Bro. Brown, invited me to his church to demonstrate a new Hammond organ and Leslie speaker they had bought from our store. He was 72 years old and had pastored the Missionary Baptist Church since he was 25. You could tell he was greatly loved.
When he arose to introduce me to his excited congregation, he graciously shared, “My dear friend, Dr. Charles Ritchie, is going to come and demonstrate our new organ for us in a few moments!” Everyone clapped and said, “Amen!” When he sat back down next to me, I leaned over and said, “Bro. Brown, I don’t have a doctoral degree!” To which he replied, “Oh, that’s alright, my brother. It helps them to listen better!”
Even though what was shared about me on that occasion was greatly overstated, there is truth to what my friend said. Worth is most often determined by our esteem of someone and their accomplishments.
That’s why it’s important to read God’s Word and let His nature, character, and miraculous power cause you to esteem Him more and listen better to what He has to say to us. Besides, His introduction needs no embellishment. HE IS GOD!
Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God!” Do you need a faith boost today? Then spend some time in His Word.
Finding out who God really is and what He has done and continues to do will help open your eyes to HIS ability, therefore increasing your faith in Him. Remember, NOTHING is beyond His ability to control.
May His promises come alive to you as you esteem Him more and embrace His plans for your life!
Now, do I have a witness? 🙂

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